Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life & Surprises

Surprises are the essence of life. I believe that without any surprises, lives will be tasteless and monotonous. But, the question is, how much are we ready for the surprises? Every human on this earth always runs behind the happiness in a life, but forgets that, nothing comes as free.
People are not ready to take the credit of the failures and start blaming on the environment, where he is interacting with.

I am also not an exception to those classes of people who often expects best surprises from their life, work and from every small or big thing they do in this life. These people are so used to win that they forget that things are not the same every time. I used to believe, that I am and will be always best in whatever effort I put in and this confidence ended up in over confidence and for every failure I faced in my life, I started blaming others who helped in my good times.

I forgot the basic survival theory of life that one who conquers the failures, reaches to the level of satisfaction. Being satisfied is not being always RIGHT, to say “SORRY!!! I was WRONG!!”. Satisfaction is in building a comfortable web around you, where people get attracted in spending time with you.

I lately understood that, you can expect many things from life and no doubt, life will fulfill your expectations, if you can fulfill life’s expectations from you. It’s a give and take relationship, where life can also blame you for your mistakes like we blame life for our mistakes.


  1. Welcome to the Blogging World :)
    By the way Nice thought on life...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. true said........people, in their life expect each and every thing without giving their effort...they become totally dependent at their luck bt luck is something which is only made by their work effort or according indian cultureit depends upon THE KARMA (our doing)........

  4. there are two kinds of people in the world, so you're one or the other: you're either a somebody, or you're not nobody. Life is a beautiful blessing. Love parents, love God and love everyone...


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