Friday, November 4, 2011

Do you mean what you say??

Saying something and meaning the samething are two different things. Its very easy to commit something, which will benifit you in some other ways, but then living up to that commitment, is something very different. Saying "I LOVE YOU" and meaning these 3 words are entire different.

This is something common in today's teenagers, that they commit that they love someone but when it comes to sticking to the commitment, it is very difficult. They feel sufocated when they are told to be commited to one relationship, this is because of the lack of understanding the difference between love and infactuation. For them, everything is love, which is not right.

Today having a relationship is not for loving someone , but it has become a status symbol. They feel that they will not be respected, if they are not having a girlfriend / boyfriend. This creates a mental block amoung the teenagers, who come from a conservative or narrow minded community, where these type of relationships are not entertained. People are ready to do anything to get into a relationship, but they dont realize that this is something, which might eleviate their status in the college but will take their life into a never solving loop causing a pychological block.

The realization of what is true love is something, not expected at this age. People needs to be sensible and mature to understand the difference between love and infactuation and media has played in creating a never bridged gap. They have showcased the feeling into one heading and that is love, which has confused today's teenagers.

The rate of failed relationships along with the rate of psychological damages has increased exponentially in our country. One has to tackel this whole thing, very carefully and intelligently. It is the responsibility of the parents to counsel their children and make them understand the essence of an relationship. Children understand this concept nicely when they can relate this in their family. With every growing year of the child, these emotions become very prominent and he/she tend to relate everything he sees to himself.

This issue is something very important than any other issues, hunting the teenagers today and because of this confusion they are not able to focus into those fields , where they should focus. Each one of us should take this responsibility to counsel our friends , our siblings, anyone who comes to us with their problems.


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